wklager: Dish of fabric scraps
wklager: Starting the core
wklager: This lump will become round?
wklager: Thrifted yarn for wrapping
wklager: Thrifted yarn for wrapping
wklager: Start the first layer of yarn wrap
wklager: Starting to round out
wklager: First layer of yarn complete
wklager: Starting the second layer of yarn
wklager: Second layer of yarn
wklager: Keep going
wklager: Second layer complete
wklager: Cones of thread with CD/DVD spindles
wklager: Starting with three strands of thread
wklager: Triple strands of thread
wklager: Keep going
wklager: Ready to move to single thread
wklager: Ready to finish
wklager: Finish with zig-zag stitches
wklager: Wrap complete
wklager: Circumference in centimeters
wklager: Circumference in inches
wklager: Marking threads
wklager: Folding paper strip
wklager: A notch is cut at the halfway point
wklager: Dividing the paper strip into quarters
wklager: Dividing the paper strip into quarters
wklager: Paper strip with notches at each quarter point
wklager: Placing the south pole pin
wklager: Checking again