wjunior: the well... o poço...
wjunior: angel inside....
wjunior: sunshine... por do sol...
wjunior: sunshine... por do sol...
wjunior: flying alone... voando sozinho...
wjunior: IMG_5488_
wjunior: blue.... azul...
wjunior: mother and daughter... mãe e filha.....
wjunior: the fence... a cerca...
wjunior: IMG_4752
wjunior: standby mode... modo de espera... ;)
wjunior: cachaçaria
wjunior: IMG_4729
wjunior: the well... o poço... (color)
wjunior: IMG_5008
wjunior: simple house... casa simples...
wjunior: IMG_5214
wjunior: the small chapel... a pequena capela...