wizzybit: Shanty Creek condo
wizzybit: Fudge is this way.
wizzybit: Mackinac Island, when it's cold.
wizzybit: In the forest
wizzybit: From the forest
wizzybit: The bridge!
wizzybit: Rocks, Rick
wizzybit: Rocks
wizzybit: dudes on vacation
wizzybit: My hat.
wizzybit: Pumas on vacation
wizzybit: Liz's cairn
wizzybit: Solitude
wizzybit: Scenic porch
wizzybit: Our hotel
wizzybit: Mike, bike.
wizzybit: Rainy streets
wizzybit: From the hill
wizzybit: Mike's wipeout trail.
wizzybit: Lisa
wizzybit: Brad on the blockhouse.
wizzybit: No climbing.
wizzybit: The "fort".
wizzybit: Fort Holmes
wizzybit: Ride. Stop. Drink a beer.
wizzybit: This is how they kept them out!
wizzybit: MIke gets trapped!
wizzybit: Richard's pose
wizzybit: Coffee hand-off