wizzybit: Chicago station decor
wizzybit: Waiting for the train back to South Bend.
wizzybit: Ooooh, pretty!
wizzybit: Graffitti
wizzybit: Waiting for the movie
wizzybit: El shadows
wizzybit: Millers Pub
wizzybit: Couple self portrait
wizzybit: Shellac
wizzybit: Shellac
wizzybit: Shellac
wizzybit: Reflector Robot man
wizzybit: What's that?
wizzybit: Downtown
wizzybit: Shiny shiny bridge to Art!
wizzybit: I can never get those kind of lights to grow in my garden.
wizzybit: Richard and the lilies
wizzybit: Staff Gardeners Only
wizzybit: Ooooh, prairie city.
wizzybit: Argh!
wizzybit: Looks like sci-fi sky
wizzybit: Daedulus
wizzybit: The sky contained.
wizzybit: Hotel sheets
wizzybit: Seems awfully narrow.
wizzybit: We were apparently not smokin.
wizzybit: Don't leave!