wizzybit: Mountain laurel
wizzybit: Bonsai!
wizzybit: North Carolina Aboretum
wizzybit: Peony
wizzybit: Silene virginica
wizzybit: Butterfly
wizzybit: Sweet tea and view
wizzybit: It gets even curvier.
wizzybit: Three trillium
wizzybit: Waterfall!
wizzybit: Pretty rocks, rushing water.
wizzybit: Under the bridge.
wizzybit: Natural cage dancer
wizzybit: The first of many accomplishments
wizzybit: Looking down the mountain
wizzybit: Postcardy
wizzybit: Fernery
wizzybit: Comfort
wizzybit: The view from the bottom.
wizzybit: Resting documentation.
wizzybit: The view from 1/3 of the way up.
wizzybit: The "stairs".
wizzybit: And then you turn the corner, and blam!
wizzybit: Scott falls off the mountain!
wizzybit: I don't know what this means, but it was there.
wizzybit: The view from the top.
wizzybit: Senior picture, "Thinking".
wizzybit: Diamond and Gold, Waynesville.
wizzybit: Even the freakin' dandelions are scenic.
wizzybit: Kind of like my parents' wallpaper