wizzybit: choyolla
wizzybit: Spiney
wizzybit: Do not touch...
wizzybit: Joshua tree
wizzybit: Joshua Tree window
wizzybit: Bark
wizzybit: Best looking tree contest.
wizzybit: Key's View
wizzybit: Richard
wizzybit: In Joshua Tree National Park
wizzybit: Over there...
wizzybit: OMG OMG OMG
wizzybit: Looks more desert-y this way.
wizzybit: Joshua Tree
wizzybit: Rock for climbing in JT
wizzybit: Julie finds a comfy rock.
wizzybit: Richard, up high
wizzybit: Weird angles
wizzybit: Shadow of a dork.
wizzybit: Joshua Tree NP
wizzybit: Let me take a picture of that pile of rocks.
wizzybit: Julie, with full-on movie star glasses.
wizzybit: Mike
wizzybit: Who piled the rocks like that?
wizzybit: Dork
wizzybit: Joshua spines
wizzybit: This is no lily.
wizzybit: Heading for the hills.
wizzybit: No dumping.
wizzybit: Yucca