wizmo: Me circa 1865 via the hipstamatic time machine
wizmo: hag circa 1865
wizmo: crone, circa 1865
wizmo: all of a sudden
wizmo: um, yes, it's a bowl on my head
wizmo: ol' ma barker
wizmo: highly suspicious
wizmo: sleep walking
wizmo: glowering
wizmo: photo-Borg
wizmo: self@60
wizmo: no, the stripes are not inked on, but that would be cool
wizmo: opera
wizmo: oh me
wizmo: twisted
wizmo: recapturing my non-existent youth
wizmo: pagliacci, vesti la giubba
wizmo: guy lips
wizmo: ennui
wizmo: creepazoid
wizmo: pagliacci, vesti la giubba
wizmo: pagliacci, vesti la giubba
wizmo: two phones and a mirror
wizmo: introspection
wizmo: me & the phone, er, camera
wizmo: on the ball
wizmo: me, 4am