wizmo: fishbridge
wizmo: dramatic block
wizmo: vessels
wizmo: before & after
wizmo: mysterious
wizmo: chex
wizmo: tug-o'-war
wizmo: bam
wizmo: perfect!
wizmo: big guy
wizmo: silly dog belly
wizmo: each moment
wizmo: beaming
wizmo: bosco & mudonna (sic)
wizmo: sideways and silly
wizmo: loner
wizmo: ah, the green truck of life passes by
wizmo: startled house
wizmo: button and missing button
wizmo: rainy underpass
wizmo: swinger
wizmo: it's all about the triangles
wizmo: pagliacci, vesti la giubba
wizmo: creepazoid
wizmo: introspection
wizmo: recapturing my non-existent youth
wizmo: pagliacci, vesti la giubba
wizmo: somewhere in a remote part of Eastern Europe...