Wizard of Wonders™:
This is Botswana No. 1 - Kudu Chase
Wizard of Wonders™:
This is Botswana No. 2 - African fish-eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer)
Wizard of Wonders™:
This is Botswana No. 3 - Sable on the Run
Wizard of Wonders™:
This is Botswana No. 4 - Cape Bison Skull
Wizard of Wonders™:
This is Botswana No. 5 - Water Thick-knee
Wizard of Wonders™:
This is Botswana No. 6 - Watching the Sun go Down
Wizard of Wonders™:
This is Botswana No. 6 - Wait Up Mother
Wizard of Wonders™:
This is Botswana No. 8 - Feels So Good
Wizard of Wonders™:
This is Botswana No. 9 - Its Between
Wizard of Wonders™:
This is Botswana No. 10 - Pied Kingfisher (Ceryle rudis)
Wizard of Wonders™:
This is Namibia No. 27 - The Elephants Itching Rock
Wizard of Wonders™:
This is Namibia No. 27 - Zebra on the Lookout
Wizard of Wonders™:
This is Namibia No. 28 - Elephant on the Run
Wizard of Wonders™:
This is Botswana No. 12 - African Leopard Lazing on Her Back
Wizard of Wonders™:
Cape Bison Feeding on the River Edge