j☺s h_m [busy]:
Blue Jay [Cyanocitta Cristata] (Explored:-)
j☺s h_m [busy]:
Share A Story (Explored :-)
j☺s h_m [busy]:
Bombus (Explored :-)
j☺s h_m [busy]:
Silhouette (Explored :-)
j☺s h_m [busy]:
Natural Resources 2 (Explored:-)
j☺s h_m [busy]:
“If your heart is a volcano, how shall you expect flowers to bloom?” -Kahlil Gibran (Explored on)
j☺s h_m [busy]:
Red (Explored :-)
j☺s h_m [busy]:
Sunset Bathing (Explored :-)
j☺s h_m [busy]:
Acrophobia? (Explored :-)
j☺s h_m [busy]:
Flaming Katy [explored]
j☺s h_m [busy]:
The Bean: Reflection. [Explored]
j☺s h_m [busy]:
The Bean [Explored]
j☺s h_m [busy]:
Local Pizza Hut [Explored]
j☺s h_m [busy]:
Late Winter Snow [Explored]
j☺s h_m [busy]:
@ 9 mos. [Explored]
j☺s h_m [busy]:
A View From "The Ledge" [Explored]