seasmoked: molly p. as moustache merle
seasmoked: kato gets new pants
seasmoked: jonathan in katie's garb
seasmoked: the sexual tension could be spread with a butterknife
seasmoked: zoom through tod's plastic screen
seasmoked: i literally stop and smell the flowers
seasmoked: she hardly ever makes such a face
seasmoked: katie as kato
seasmoked: roofnac
seasmoked: DOSE
seasmoked: atlanta animals
seasmoked: i flew to atlanta, became disoriented, lost my job
seasmoked: toyota tube
seasmoked: DSC05301.JPG
seasmoked: but at least i got this shot
seasmoked: sunset sittin
seasmoked: DSC05306.JPG
seasmoked: hawk gambolin with stick
seasmoked: hawk loves fetchin
seasmoked: DSC05310.JPG
seasmoked: mossy trickle
seasmoked: DSC05318.JPG
seasmoked: a tawm face
seasmoked: DSC05324.JPG
seasmoked: my attempt at being creepy
seasmoked: sad hat
seasmoked: weeeaaayy
seasmoked: DSC05311.JPG
seasmoked: weird head and julia
seasmoked: huh