withassociates: Hi-tech ceiling mount for interval capture
withassociates: Planning
withassociates: Pointing
withassociates: All agreed
withassociates: Mike and Jenifer were still relaxed at this point...
withassociates: The seed of the idea
withassociates: First pass...
withassociates: Further sketches
withassociates: Tappy tappy
withassociates: Jamie plays with the Flickr API
withassociates: Mike and Brendan get to their machines
withassociates: Jenifer looks into the Vimeo API
withassociates: Copy takes form
withassociates: Page takes form
withassociates: Like, duh, right?
withassociates: Outside the room was far calmer…
withassociates: Finishing touches
withassociates: Flowing in
withassociates: Vimeo pulling
withassociates: Holding page and first hope goes live...
withassociates: Prize for anyone who guesses what this was for
withassociates: Our interval capturing friend