with eyes wide shut: Hydrophobia
with eyes wide shut: Carnophobia
with eyes wide shut: Nomatophobia
with eyes wide shut: Geniophobia
with eyes wide shut: Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
with eyes wide shut: Claustrophobia
with eyes wide shut: Espistaxiophobia
with eyes wide shut: Daemonophobia
with eyes wide shut: Apotemnophobia
with eyes wide shut: Coulrophobia
with eyes wide shut: Ereuthrophobia
with eyes wide shut: Dermatophobia
with eyes wide shut: Ablutophobia
with eyes wide shut: Aichmophobia
with eyes wide shut: Pnigerophobia
with eyes wide shut: Necrophobia
with eyes wide shut: Omphalophobia
with eyes wide shut: Ophidiophobia
with eyes wide shut: Electrophobia
with eyes wide shut: Thermophobia
with eyes wide shut: Cheimaphobia
with eyes wide shut: Gymnophobia
with eyes wide shut: Somniphobia
with eyes wide shut: Homichlophobia
with eyes wide shut: Spermatophobia
with eyes wide shut: Ataxophobia
with eyes wide shut: Arachibutyrophobia