witchgore: -"hello sweety... "
witchgore: -"tell me what you saw?"
witchgore: -"let's go back together, please"
witchgore: +[Aether]+
witchgore: +[ appeasement ] +
witchgore: +[ suus 'questus frigidiores ]+
witchgore: +["he will be here soon.."]+
witchgore: +expectationem+
witchgore: +"if you have something to say, say it"+
witchgore: +divinity+
witchgore: +"do you wanna total war?"+
witchgore: ♥⛧♥
witchgore: -"wait.. not here.."
witchgore: never late
witchgore: + Choppa cult +
witchgore: + Choppa cult II +
witchgore: dea ignis
witchgore: -what have you forgotten in this forest?-
witchgore: - Shillien Saint -
witchgore: nigrum dahlia
witchgore: +[happy holidays]+
witchgore: "-You missed me my duchess?"
witchgore: [hot weekdays]♥
witchgore: nothing
witchgore: the road to purgatory of souls