Wisteria and Cow Parsley: Spanish Flag -Ipomoea lobata.
Wisteria and Cow Parsley: Spanish Flag -Ipomoea lobata close up.
Wisteria and Cow Parsley: Lady Marmalade.
Wisteria and Cow Parsley: Salvia "Indigo Spires" and Papaver rupifragum
Wisteria and Cow Parsley: Erythrina crista-galli 1
Wisteria and Cow Parsley: Autumn Leaves.
Wisteria and Cow Parsley: Green fingers.
Wisteria and Cow Parsley: Ginkgo biloba.
Wisteria and Cow Parsley: Anagallis monelli "Blue Light"
Wisteria and Cow Parsley: Cup and saucer plant -Cobaea scandens.
Wisteria and Cow Parsley: The Dissolute Echinacea.
Wisteria and Cow Parsley: Anemone hupehensis
Wisteria and Cow Parsley: White Japanese Anenome.
Wisteria and Cow Parsley: Reach for the Sky -Cosmos.
Wisteria and Cow Parsley: Archway with rose.
Wisteria and Cow Parsley: Peckover House from the back of the red bed.
Wisteria and Cow Parsley: Schizostylis coccinea 'Major'
Wisteria and Cow Parsley: Coreopsis with bee.
Wisteria and Cow Parsley: Klimt on a stick!