WisPolitics.com: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius visits Milwaukee on Nov. 15, 2013, to discuss health care options through the Affordable Care Act.
WisPolitics.com: Kathleen Sebelius and Noelle Stordock discuss health care options available through the Affordable Care Act.
WisPolitics.com: Kathleen Sebelius observes Tina Chang entering information on the federal government website.
WisPolitics.com: Kathleen Sebelius watches as Tina Chang, right, a health care counselor, works with Rosa Brazzle, left, to shop for a health care plan.
WisPolitics.com: HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius with Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele at the Progressive Community Health Center clinic.
WisPolitics.com: Noelle Stordock tells of enrolling in a health care plan through Obamacare.