WisPolitics.com: Congressman Paul Ryan speaks at the Racine Tea Party event on Jan. 13, 2013.
WisPolitics.com: Robin Vos speaks at Racine Tea Party event
WisPolitics.com: People chat at Racine Tea Party event.
WisPolitics.com: People file in to South Hills Country Club to attend Racine Tea Party event.
WisPolitics.com: People await speakers at Racine Tea Party event.
WisPolitics.com: Mike Tanner of the CATO Institute speaks at the Racine Tea Party event on Jan. 13, 2013.
WisPolitics.com: A sign at the Racine Tea Party event.
WisPolitics.com: A man wears lighted marquee pins at the Racine Tea Party event. One pin has a scrolling message that says "Freedom is not Free." The other says, "ObamaCare makes me sick."
WisPolitics.com: A man wears a cap in support of mining at the Racine Tea Party event.
WisPolitics.com: State Sen. Leah Vukmir speaks at the Racine Tea Party event on Jan. 13, 2013.
WisPolitics.com: State Sen. Leah Vukmir speaks at the Racine Tea Party event on Jan. 13, 2013.