Wishard of Oz: NYC (minus 24 hours and a few minutes)
Wishard of Oz: Day 67- Only a thousand or so miles to go!
Wishard of Oz: Gathering of the luggage!
Wishard of Oz: Spy cam?
Wishard of Oz: It's a 'Bama thing!
Wishard of Oz: My view after miles and miles in farming country!
Wishard of Oz: Is this still politically correct?
Wishard of Oz: Still in the warm south!
Wishard of Oz: A little Starbucks to start the day!
Wishard of Oz: Chaperones first NYC meal!
Wishard of Oz: Times Square . . . always interesting!
Wishard of Oz: Silhouettes
Wishard of Oz: A Times Square fixture!
Wishard of Oz: A little windy?
Wishard of Oz: Fourteen out of Forty-eight!
Wishard of Oz: Moon over Brooklyn!
Wishard of Oz: Day 68- Our hotel is out there somewhere!
Wishard of Oz: Day 69- TGIFFFF* in Central Park!
Wishard of Oz: My bride in Strawberry Fields!
Wishard of Oz: Must be a good eating area?
Wishard of Oz: Central Park
Wishard of Oz: Time to take down the sign?
Wishard of Oz: Spring is here in Central Park!
Wishard of Oz: Amazing voices!
Wishard of Oz: Skating Rink
Wishard of Oz: Odd clouds and lighting!
Wishard of Oz: Playing the life-size video game!
Wishard of Oz: Not just another elevator ride!
Wishard of Oz: Bowl Mor Lanes
Wishard of Oz: NYPD, Times Square!