ashley wise: marianne dawson and jan spicer
ashley wise: marianne dawson and heather hamilton
ashley wise: DSCN6938.JPG
ashley wise: DSCN6949.JPG
ashley wise: DSCN6950.JPG
ashley wise: DSCN6951.JPG
ashley wise: DSCN6953.JPG
ashley wise: Instructor Seminar
ashley wise: DSCN6955.JPG
ashley wise: DSCN6956.JPG
ashley wise: DSCN6957.JPG
ashley wise: jon souter (sp?) and betsy lindley
ashley wise: Liza pulling her boat up to go to hot springs
ashley wise: DSCN6963.JPG
ashley wise: DSCN6970.JPG
ashley wise: Hailey Baldwin, Liza Cochran & Max Stevens
ashley wise: Hailey Baldwin, Liza Cochran & Stephen Helfenbein
ashley wise: DSCN6982.JPG
ashley wise: betsy lindley
ashley wise: Liza Cochran
ashley wise: Liza Cochran & Max Stevens