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The Great ChoreMonster Beard-A-Thon of 2013
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Sean Sperte (pronounced spurt-ee)
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Josh Long (pronounced qzlungah)
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Jen Kowal with Bucky Sooty
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Justin Boh and Gunther Furback
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Meet Ben Stafford
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Meet Alex Bohman And Squish
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Out of range, swinging
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Silhouette in smoke
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Did you leave the darkness without me?
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The boy with the rubber face
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Just a boy in the snow
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You must risk something that matters
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My kid is crazy. And awesome.
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Shyness is nice
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Happy New Year From Our Circus
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Attack The Ice Cream
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Lost in lost in
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Lost in thoughts that end at the beginning
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There's A Clown Down
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There has to be more
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Dave Anthony Accidentally Smiles
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Patton Oswalt Is Wistfully Wistful
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Paul Gilmartin smiles like the gleaming teeth of Thor
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Exuberant exhale
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Luke is unimpressed with birthdays
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Despite all my rage...
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Green (wise) Acres
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We're businessing*