WisconsinKow: UFO or what?
WisconsinKow: When the Tripods Came
WisconsinKow: Hieroglyphics of Nature
WisconsinKow: Beautiful Reserve
WisconsinKow: I will be the gladdest thing -
WisconsinKow: Flowers speak
WisconsinKow: Qui pingit florem, floris non pingit odorem.
WisconsinKow: The way is
WisconsinKow: Proud Assertion
WisconsinKow: Flowers of all the tomorrows
WisconsinKow: Life is like a rose . . .
WisconsinKow: But pleasures are like poppies spread -
WisconsinKow: Pointing
WisconsinKow: Flowers are ...
WisconsinKow: See the miracle
WisconsinKow: There are always flowers
WisconsinKow: Keep the Light
WisconsinKow: Plum Blossoms
WisconsinKow: Flowers in a dream
WisconsinKow: Nobody Sees a Flower -
WisconsinKow: Be like the flower
WisconsinKow: Give and Take...
WisconsinKow: To Make a Prairie
WisconsinKow: We'll walk in the fields of gold
WisconsinKow: Hairy Alien Flower Thingy!
WisconsinKow: Poetry of Earth
WisconsinKow: Only the cow knows ...
WisconsinKow: Imponderable
WisconsinKow: Everyone is nice till the cow gets into the garden!
WisconsinKow: Don't have a cow, man!