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Gavin and Stacey Filming Locations, Barry Island, Barry, Wales. by Bay M
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Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Scene of the family day out, Barry Island, Wales. Uncle Bryn, Mick and the lotion! Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
The beach, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Change Booth, Nessas Slots. Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Change Booth, Nessas Slots. Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Nessa's Slots. Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
Bay M
Barry, Barry Island, Wales. Gavin and Stacey Land.
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