wireguy: Scoop practice
wireguy: I gotcha
wireguy: Beautiful vista
wireguy: Layout left
wireguy: Racing the line
wireguy: Centering pass
wireguy: D's just watching
wireguy: One chases Eight
wireguy: One left behind
wireguy: Centering the play
wireguy: Headband needs more padding
wireguy: The game winner
wireguy: Right at the goalie
wireguy: Muscling it by
wireguy: Finishes number two
wireguy: Heading it forward
wireguy: Big launch
wireguy: Erin dings the post
wireguy: Double teaming
wireguy: Under control
wireguy: Hipstop
wireguy: Getting into the action
wireguy: A double header
wireguy: Moving as a group
wireguy: Falling off the edge
wireguy: Straighening out the run
wireguy: Tap and go
wireguy: Is that Kara again?
wireguy: Pose throw
wireguy: Hat trick dance