wireguy: Hula Spirit Day
wireguy: Practice smiles
wireguy: Pump up ritual?
wireguy: Controlled back
wireguy: 3 v Nick seems fair
wireguy: Velcro shinguards
wireguy: I have great posture
wireguy: Game winning goal from bad Clear
wireguy: Hit Me
wireguy: Making a connection
wireguy: Tic tac toe three in a row
wireguy: Centered and shot
wireguy: you're bigger i'm faster
wireguy: 25 impressed
wireguy: not off
wireguy: Getting the timing right
wireguy: Toe taps
wireguy: Don't move I'll run to you
wireguy: triple nike swoosh
wireguy: hit two
wireguy: Ball compression
wireguy: Still not off
wireguy: Pressing it
wireguy: Slight of hand shot
wireguy: Tap n go
wireguy: Joined at the hip
wireguy: From the top of the box
wireguy: Rebound and in
wireguy: Running through it
wireguy: Entire left side open, but doesn't go there