wireguy: COPAHSC
wireguy: Sunny field
wireguy: Running thru it
wireguy: Stay and arm length away please
wireguy: Past 29
wireguy: Chopping it over
wireguy: Bench on the edge of their seats
wireguy: Back out
wireguy: Large gap
wireguy: Shooting early
wireguy: Face of pain
wireguy: Incoming
wireguy: Stopping it early
wireguy: Around the cone
wireguy: Ref bobble head
wireguy: Making shadow animals
wireguy: Low and out
wireguy: Squinting Crowd
wireguy: Patience
wireguy: Up to the right
wireguy: Launching another long punt
wireguy: The lines almost align
wireguy: Power-up
wireguy: Connecting to Maddie for the score!
wireguy: The Rock Ets
wireguy: Posing for me
wireguy: Going up the line
wireguy: Keeping a perimeter
wireguy: Running side to side
wireguy: Bench excited