wireguy: Yellow past yellow
wireguy: Around the corner
wireguy: In the corner kick
wireguy: Controling the left
wireguy: Two-step
wireguy: Ashraf!
wireguy: Drag foot technique
wireguy: Fast break
wireguy: Nice stop
wireguy: David looks impressed
wireguy: Looping around
wireguy: Madison breaks to the net
wireguy: Controlled corner
wireguy: Straight to the net
wireguy: Punching it past
wireguy: Tom barks orders
wireguy: Setting up
wireguy: Showing off the neon
wireguy: Holding them back
wireguy: Saving it
wireguy: Up and over
wireguy: Making her move
wireguy: Leg kick
wireguy: Chesting it
wireguy: Double fisted Kah-pow
wireguy: D fence
wireguy: Excersizing the ref
wireguy: Looking up and measuring
wireguy: The winning goal