wireguy: Ready to play
wireguy: Surveying the team
wireguy: Air ball
wireguy: Dad backs her up
wireguy: One arm at the ready
wireguy: Forward lean
wireguy: Burst of speed
wireguy: Eyeing the ball
wireguy: Out in front
wireguy: Full extension punt
wireguy: Goal kix
wireguy: Baton pass
wireguy: Don't bite your tongue
wireguy: Looking for someone to pass to
wireguy: Making the run
wireguy: Wild woman
wireguy: Going the other way?
wireguy: Nice tattoo
wireguy: Pumping the fist kick
wireguy: On the move
wireguy: Poping it past the D
wireguy: Heading to the goal
wireguy: Stoppage
wireguy: Ready for the pass
wireguy: Nice lean
wireguy: Splitting the D
wireguy: Moving it up fast
wireguy: Tony in the way
wireguy: Gimme a big hug
wireguy: Crossing the field