wireguy: He's back
wireguy: Stretch
wireguy: Eye on the ball
wireguy: Moving right
wireguy: Controling the situation
wireguy: Crossfield
wireguy: walking the ball
wireguy: Quicks-throw
wireguy: Sending them in
wireguy: Bursting up
wireguy: Goal - must be the cleats
wireguy: Shoulder to shoulder
wireguy: Stepping ahead
wireguy: eyeing the net
wireguy: Trying to break free
wireguy: Making new friends
wireguy: Cut right
wireguy: Popover
wireguy: Scoring from the blue line
wireguy: moving fast
wireguy: Not so fast buddy
wireguy: Mid run scoop
wireguy: All in a line
wireguy: Coming through, outta my way
wireguy: Mine
wireguy: Between the whites
wireguy: Making an assault
wireguy: Crossing the circle
wireguy: Into the box
wireguy: Lots of lookers