wireguy: Timing the punt
wireguy: Addressing the ball
wireguy: Stepping up to the ball
wireguy: Moving out
wireguy: Great grab
wireguy: Quick release
wireguy: Morning stretch
wireguy: Around the big girl
wireguy: Arm over arm
wireguy: Past Ray
wireguy: Smashing
wireguy: Looking up
wireguy: Heading out
wireguy: Curling around
wireguy: Punishing kick
wireguy: Doing it with style
wireguy: Getting a foot in there
wireguy: Full fisted run
wireguy: Graceful run
wireguy: First to the ball
wireguy: Leaping kick
wireguy: Tasting the play
wireguy: In the zone
wireguy: Fighting for the ball
wireguy: Line up
wireguy: The punisher
wireguy: Great day for soccer
wireguy: Making the turn
wireguy: Holding her off
wireguy: Competition for the ball