wireguy: Barb
wireguy: Nice turn
wireguy: D on the run
wireguy: Greg Surfing
wireguy: Goalie Grab
wireguy: Defence
wireguy: Bob's big boy
wireguy: Step in front of that guy
wireguy: Hip check
wireguy: Going for the ball
wireguy: Kenny in the air
wireguy: Lunging Clear
wireguy: Drew
wireguy: Greg chasing down a ball
wireguy: Greg in the Air
wireguy: Drew directing traffic
wireguy: Scoop
wireguy: Cam after the ball
wireguy: Jordan clears the ball
wireguy: You may run faster than me, but I've got big hands
wireguy: Jordan trying to clear
wireguy: Corey rushing to defend
wireguy: Jordan clear through the legs
wireguy: Drew challenging the ball
wireguy: Running Drew
wireguy: Drew on the run
wireguy: Drew
wireguy: Jordan
wireguy: Jordan goal kick
wireguy: Jordan 50/50