wired_gr: NYC Streets
wired_gr: Life in Motion
wired_gr: Bicycles in NYC
wired_gr: NYC Taxi
wired_gr: NYC Subway...59th str
wired_gr: Cruiseship in a lake
wired_gr: Playing by the fountain
wired_gr: Bench Noir
wired_gr: The end of the tunnel
wired_gr: Manhattan Bridge
wired_gr: Shopping Window
wired_gr: Buble Burst
wired_gr: Cello
wired_gr: Roller Dancer
wired_gr: Quiet Saturday afternoon
wired_gr: Cyclists to the left, pedestrians to the right!
wired_gr: Brooklyn Bridge Bench
wired_gr: Flatiron
wired_gr: Welcome to Brooklyn!
wired_gr: Street Musicians
wired_gr: Jogging in Central Park
wired_gr: Street Patterns