WIPO | OMPI: WIPO Director General Meets Austria's Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
WIPO | OMPI: WIPO Director General Participates in Conference on IP for the Green und Digital Transition
WIPO | OMPI: WIPO Director General Delivers Keynote Speech at "IP for the Green and Digital Transition" Conference
WIPO | OMPI: WIPO Director General Delivers Keynote Speech at "IP for the Green and Digital Transition" Conference
WIPO | OMPI: WIPO Director General Meets Rector of the University of Applied Arts of Vienna
WIPO | OMPI: WIPO Director General Meets Startup Founders in Austria
WIPO | OMPI: WIPO Director General Visits "AUT NOW 100 × Austrian Design for the 21st Century" Exhibition
WIPO | OMPI: WIPO Director General Visits "AUT NOW 100 × Austrian Design for the 21st Century" Exhibition