WIPO | OMPI: Director of the Salon des Inventions Gaelle Grosjean Gives Welcome Remarks for Geneva Inventions Fair 2019
WIPO | OMPI: Pierre Maudet Gives Welcome Remarks at Geneva Inventions Fair
WIPO | OMPI: WIPO Director General Francis Gurry Inaugurates Geneva Inventions Fair
WIPO | OMPI: Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Inaugurates Geneva Inventions Fair
WIPO | OMPI: GPS-Monitored Smart Shoes
WIPO | OMPI: Magnetic Knife Sharpener
WIPO | OMPI: Inventive Garment Upcycling Process
WIPO | OMPI: Revopak, A Waste Volume Reduction Invention
WIPO | OMPI: Integrated Bicycle Lock System
WIPO | OMPI: Magnetic Repulsion-Powered Motor
WIPO | OMPI: Multimedia Medical Kiosk