Danelle Murphy: Driving to look at sailboats. Happy!
Danelle Murphy: Wishing I was on a boat
Danelle Murphy: Knitting for the Barter Faire
Danelle Murphy: Super sick but still smiling
Danelle Murphy: Pumpkin biscuits for the Barter faire!
Danelle Murphy: Barter faire here we come
Danelle Murphy: Just glad to be here!
Danelle Murphy: Felt great
Danelle Murphy: Last minute Holly steps in & makes me smile
Danelle Murphy: Made it thanks to Ryan Bingham!
Danelle Murphy: Snuggling in bed
Danelle Murphy: Runners high...alright, slow joggers high!
Danelle Murphy: Going back to bed!
Danelle Murphy: Smiled but no color in my face
Danelle Murphy: Stay warm
Danelle Murphy: Two tired girls
Danelle Murphy: I need to color my hair!
Danelle Murphy: Running prevents bone loss? Really?
Danelle Murphy: Wow, I was young. I hope a pic of a pic counts.
Danelle Murphy: Sick......I want a hot bath & some milkduds!
Danelle Murphy: Blurry, but I feel blurry
Danelle Murphy: Waiting...... it's so quite
Danelle Murphy: I dreamt it snowed last night
Danelle Murphy: Train, bus, seabus & bus again! I miss my car:(
Danelle Murphy: They interviewed me 3 times :..(
Danelle Murphy: Halloween
Danelle Murphy: Why don't the grey ones fall out?