wintoid: Angel wings?
wintoid: Noriko, Yokoyama, Hideki and Jeremy
wintoid: Noriko, Yokoyama, Chris and Hideki
wintoid: Swati, Saadia, Lan, Kenji
wintoid: Swati, Saadia, Lan, Kenji, Noriko
wintoid: Kenji's first time shooting with a rangefinder
wintoid: Noriko, Yokoyama san, Chris and Hideki
wintoid: Deathstar
wintoid: Southwark Bridge
wintoid: Southwark bridge
wintoid: Organic beer at Borough Market 2
wintoid: Early Bird
wintoid: Turn right
wintoid: 250th Anniversary
wintoid: Cheese
wintoid: The Anchor
wintoid: Gherkin and Nat West tower
wintoid: The Golden Hind
wintoid: Lee brothers
wintoid: Hobbs barber shop
wintoid: Borough Market
wintoid: Little visitor
wintoid: Millennium Bridge to the Tate Modern
wintoid: Canonet front
wintoid: Canonet back
wintoid: Shadow and L
wintoid: Bridge sweep
wintoid: Vertical sweep
wintoid: Southwark bridge
wintoid: Thames Sunset from the Millennium Bridge