Wintergreen Studios: Lorna Crozier introduces herself at Wintergreen Studios Dinner and Entertainment series
Wintergreen Studios: Wintergreen grand hall filled with lyrical language
Wintergreen Studios: Lorna Crozier begins "Carrot" a poem from "Sex lives of vegetables"
Wintergreen Studios: The "Zucchini" poem was particularly hilarious
Wintergreen Studios: Getting the mood right at Wintergreen Studios
Wintergreen Studios: Even the flowers outside were listening
Wintergreen Studios: Through the front door of Wintergreen, the applause echoes across the field.
Wintergreen Studios: Wintergreen Studios after a dinner feast: Lorna Crozier entertaining.
Wintergreen Studios: A mantis delivers natures harsh but inevitable poetry to a grasshopper
Wintergreen Studios: The cycle of life continues.
Wintergreen Studios: Happy and not hungry, the mantis looks for a mate while inside a poetry reading takes place.
Wintergreen Studios: The fate of the mate? Mantis remains near Wintergreen.
Wintergreen Studios: A private reading with Lorna Crozier and the workshop attendees.