Winniepix: London walk 032013
Winniepix: London walk 032013
Winniepix: The Shard
Winniepix: Architectural abstract
Winniepix: London walk 032013
Winniepix: Trees and textures
Winniepix: Nautical lamp post
Winniepix: Millennium Bridge across the Thames to St Paul's Cathedral
Winniepix: Millennium Bridge
Winniepix: Wobbly Bridge towards St Pauls
Winniepix: Catching the bubbles
Winniepix: Under the bridge
Winniepix: Books for sale, South Bank, London
Winniepix: The storm about to break, Hungerford Bridge
Winniepix: VintageSoph on Hungerford Bridge
Winniepix: Converse and puddle
Winniepix: Covent Garden, London
Winniepix: Saddlers' Hall; livery company coat of arms