Darien and Neil: sunset on bathurst harbour
Darien and Neil: sunset bathurst harbour
Darien and Neil: sunrise on bathurst harbour
Darien and Neil: sunrise from ironbounds
Darien and Neil: sunrise from ironbounds
Darien and Neil: sunrise at ketchum
Darien and Neil: south cape rivulet and rainforest understory
Darien and Neil: south cape rivulet
Darien and Neil: new harbour
Darien and Neil: south cape rivulet and beach
Darien and Neil: quoll stealing my boot
Darien and Neil: mt field np
Darien and Neil: mount rugby
Darien and Neil: morning reflections south cape rivulet
Darien and Neil: moonset from ironbounds
Darien and Neil: flower
Darien and Neil: creek crossing port davey track
Darien and Neil: crossing river detail Dsc_0023
Darien and Neil: rowboat at bathurst narrows
Darien and Neil: boat rails at bathurst narrows
Darien and Neil: boats in ketchum
Darien and Neil: flower Dsc_0253
Darien and Neil: portrait
Darien and Neil: end of track small Dsc_0346
Darien and Neil: cox bight
Darien and Neil: mount rugby
Darien and Neil: sunrise on beach south cape rivulet