wingtorn: Watching You
wingtorn: Reason Why You Should Put Toys Away Before Bed, Especially Zombies
wingtorn: The Walking Dead- new season tonight!
wingtorn: Oxymoron of a Beast
wingtorn: ...he had no arms.
wingtorn: Trooper Locker Room Chatter
wingtorn: Smuggler(s?) Caught w/ Contraband
wingtorn: Jack and the red vine stalk
wingtorn: Dressed for Halloween
wingtorn: Late for Halloween Meetup
wingtorn: Nobody knows Casey
wingtorn: ID Theft?
wingtorn: Sexy Bot
wingtorn: Why Fictional?
wingtorn: Wasn't Fictional
wingtorn: Don't you Hate being Wrong?
wingtorn: Anejo Yeni Boo
wingtorn: The Vampire Diaries
wingtorn: Halloween Selfie
wingtorn: Lord of the Flies