Winfried Scheuer: Pool, Del Marcos Hotel, Palm Springs
Winfried Scheuer: Duplex house, Venice Beach, CA
Winfried Scheuer: Postmodern sculpture, Venice Beach, CA
Winfried Scheuer: Postnuclear Brutalism, Built 1974, AT&T Long Lines Building, 30 Thomasstreet, Manhattan, Architect John Carl Warnecke & Associates, Developer AT&T
Winfried Scheuer: Postnuclear Brutalism, 1974, AT&T Long Lines Building, 30 Thomasstreet, lower Manhattan, NY, Architect John Carl Warnecke & Associates, Developer AT&T
Winfried Scheuer: Tree surround, cast iron, Manhattan, New York
Winfried Scheuer: Bacardi building (1) , Architect Enrique Guttierres, 1963,currently unoccupied, Miami, Florida
Winfried Scheuer: Bacardi 60s building (2) , this is architecture ! Miami, Florida
Winfried Scheuer: No diving, Bathing Pier, Key West, Florida
Winfried Scheuer: Motorhome with stickers, RV, Santa Monica, Los Angeles
Winfried Scheuer: Gucci, Manhattan fashion shop, under construction, Trump Tower, USA
Winfried Scheuer: Graffiti on palms, Santa Monica Beach, Los Angeles
Winfried Scheuer: Big Sur, highway 1, California
Winfried Scheuer: Encounter, Space age architecture,LAX, Los Angeles
Winfried Scheuer: Space Age "Encounter" Restaurant, Los Angeles
Winfried Scheuer: Interior, Space age, Encounter Restaurant, Los Angeles
Winfried Scheuer: Art Deco Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida
Winfried Scheuer: Modernist Gumenick Chapel by Architect Kenneth Treister , Rental Corvette, Miami, Florida
Winfried Scheuer: Handpainted new beetle with beatles photographed in woodstock, new york
Winfried Scheuer: Tree surround, New York City
Winfried Scheuer: Art Deco bronze tree surround New York City
Winfried Scheuer: Art Deco bronze tree surround New York City
Winfried Scheuer: Rusty midcentury chairs, Palm Springs.