JJ justin: The ABC cinema ,Bournemouth.
JJ justin: The ABC cinema ,Bournemouth.
JJ justin: ABC cinema ,lamp store
JJ justin: ABC cinema ,main roof void above screen 1.
JJ justin: ABC cinema , main roof void above screen 1.
JJ justin: ABC cinema ,main roof void above screen 1 , originally the circle.
JJ justin: ABC cinema ,boiler room.
JJ justin: ABC cinema , one of the many external walkways that run around the building , external entry to battery charging room.
JJ justin: ABC cinema main and original projection room.
JJ justin: ABC cinema , screen 1 viewed from the projection room.
JJ justin: ABC cinema upper stairs leading up to the projection suite.
JJ justin: ABC cinema ,stairs up to the projection suite.
JJ justin: ABC cinema ,one of the many corridors and passeges.
JJ justin: ABC cinema , plastic letters for film advertising.
JJ justin: ABC cinema ,battery room.