Muddy River Photography: Soaring Great Egret
Muddy River Photography: Soaring American White Pelican
Muddy River Photography: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Muddy River Photography: Low flying Canadian Goose
Muddy River Photography: Great Egret landing
Muddy River Photography: Young soaring eagle
Muddy River Photography: Spring Pussy Willows
Muddy River Photography: American White Pelicans feeding
Muddy River Photography: Mating Dragonflies
Muddy River Photography: Dropping in for dinner
Muddy River Photography: Butterfly and flower
Muddy River Photography: "Three birds on a stick" just in time for the State Fair
Muddy River Photography: Common Yellowthroat
Muddy River Photography: Scruffy House Wren
Muddy River Photography: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher eating a Gnat
Muddy River Photography: Black-capped Chickadee
Muddy River Photography: Canadian Goose
Muddy River Photography: Sandhill crane
Muddy River Photography: Sunrise at TNWR
Muddy River Photography: Myrtle Warbler