joseph.olar: 001_trees and mountian
joseph.olar: 001a_trees and mountian
joseph.olar: 002_Wide view of Mountians
joseph.olar: 003_Three sister Mountian
joseph.olar: 004_Mount Ishbel not sure
joseph.olar: 005_Another Mountain not know the name
joseph.olar: 006_Mountians just of the higway looking south
joseph.olar: 007_Mount Vangard ? & Catherdal Mountian
joseph.olar: 008_pano banff
joseph.olar: 009_Mount Norquay
joseph.olar: 010_Mount Norquay
joseph.olar: Mount Norquay
joseph.olar: 011_ Cascade Mountian
joseph.olar: 012_Cascade Mountian looking up from Banff Ave
joseph.olar: 0013_Tee Pee or ready for bonfire
joseph.olar: 014_Mount Baldy
joseph.olar: 015_past white cap background Skogan Peak
joseph.olar: 016_Skogan Mountain past white cap background
joseph.olar: 017_small part of Mt Baldy-5 of 5 Mt Baldy
joseph.olar: 018_bear did not want to stand still
joseph.olar: 019_Mount Lorette
joseph.olar: 020_McDougall NW2-5 of 5 McDougall NW2
joseph.olar: 021_mount Kidd,Ribbon Peak,Mount Allan,Mount Collembola
joseph.olar: 022_Mount McDougall
joseph.olar: 023_Mount Blaine
joseph.olar: 024_Mount Blaine
joseph.olar: 025_Mountian Goat's
joseph.olar: 026_L to R Mount Fox,The Turrent,Mount Foch,Mount Sarrail
joseph.olar: 027_a very long Mountian
joseph.olar: 028_looking North of the long mountian