windybug: rural u.s.a.
windybug: toto, i don't think we are in (ar)kansas anymore!
windybug: wanderlust
windybug: hit the road, jack
windybug: be cool man be cool
windybug: a nose for directions
windybug: lost highway
windybug: classic alaska
windybug: zoom zoom zoom
windybug: western road
windybug: speeding up to slow down
windybug: joy ride
windybug: you can't get lost if you don't have a destination
windybug: living history
windybug: the more you know
windybug: tomtom's tomfoolery
windybug: around the bend
windybug: leaving a mark
windybug: stay between the lines
windybug: becoming road kill
windybug: gps, don't get hasty!
windybug: pinnacle mtn & modern hwy 300