windybug: cross to bear
windybug: the stories these walls could tell
windybug: here is the church and here is the steeple
windybug: wonky religious views
windybug: religious shelter?
windybug: alter
windybug: i been deer
windybug: spork at your own risk
windybug: faith a faith a faith BABY!
windybug: perspective dos
windybug: dressed in red
windybug: perspective
windybug: going to the chapel and i'm gonna get married
windybug: an old tradition
windybug: ain't no mountain high enough
windybug: where's waldo?
windybug: another sunday another church
windybug: slanted views
windybug: gracey
windybug: Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.
windybug: directing
windybug: reaching
windybug: r.i.p.
windybug: have a seat
windybug: may angels lead you in
windybug: on a mission
windybug: flicker of hope
windybug: augustine
windybug: faith is where you look
windybug: hot and cold