Windswept.west: Water Tank 1
Windswept.west: Water Tank 2
Windswept.west: sturdy building west of eden
Windswept.west: Swayback
Windswept.west: door deconstructed
Windswept.west: the old bedroom
Windswept.west: cotton boll husk
Windswept.west: the iron wings of an angel
Windswept.west: where are you taking me?
Windswept.west: green shingled home
Windswept.west: fire, wind and time
Windswept.west: super deluxe
Windswept.west: ford 1941 super deluxe
Windswept.west: Girvin Social Club
Windswept.west: Stanton house #2
Windswept.west: old truck
Windswept.west: Ruins of the Stiles Courthouse, Regan County Texas #2
Windswept.west: Ruins of the Stiles Courthouse, Regan County Texas #5
Windswept.west: * (explored)
Windswept.west: ghost sign marfa