windelbo: Sleepy Lion Cubs
windelbo: A Hungry Giraffe Close Up
windelbo: A Hungry Giraffe
windelbo: A Giraffe
windelbo: Some Really Ugly Storks
windelbo: A Hidden (and Blurry) Tanager
windelbo: A Searching Tanager
windelbo: A Flying Tanager
windelbo: A Searching Tanager
windelbo: A Resting Bird
windelbo: A Resting Bird
windelbo: A Pretty Tanager
windelbo: Playing Blue and Gold Macaws
windelbo: Playing Blue and Gold Macaws
windelbo: A nesting tanager?
windelbo: Some kind of red tanager
windelbo: Sleepy Capybara
windelbo: Sleepy Otters
windelbo: Sleepy Polar Bears
windelbo: Hungry Pelican
windelbo: Tired Bison
windelbo: The Injured Emu
windelbo: Bachelor Ducks
windelbo: Turkey in the Arboretum
windelbo: Territorial Red-Winged Blackbird
windelbo: Arboretum Lane
windelbo: Coasting into the UW Arboretum
windelbo: Bees in the Arboretum
windelbo: UW Arboretum Prairie
windelbo: UW Arboretum Prairie