wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB217269 Shipping Creek launch
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB213184 May Win leading kayakers from Shipping Creek - into the sun
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB213196 Suzanne
wimzee: 2015-11-21 A-PB213212 KIPBURRRZ
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB217274 Suzanne & Bob
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB217294 _
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB217295 James
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB217303 silhouette - Samm
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB217338 paddling into Parsons Island - and the sun
wimzee: 2015-11-23 PB217344 silhouettes of kayakers on Eastern Bay
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB217385 Landing at Parsons Island
wimzee: 2015-11-23 PB217393 Samm & Marshall - Parsons Island
wimzee: x2015-11-21 PB217397 silhouettes in lee of the island
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB217404 Carol repairs skeg for Toni_assistance from Bob
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB213240 Bob
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB213266 Randi
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB213348 kayakers on Eastern Bay
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB213354 Randi
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB213395 crossed paddles - Tim Samm Tom
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB213426 Samm
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB213468 Rob enjoys the lumpy water
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB213495 Toni
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB217417 Tim performing high brace turn
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB217426 Samm follows Tom into Shipping Creek
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB217439 Rob & Toni enter Shipping Creek
wimzee: 2015-11-21 PB217443 Suzanne
wimzee: x2015-11-21 PB217455 Suzanne