wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8020013 Carb loading on DJs homemade spaghetti
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030015 arrival at riverside & La Marina
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030016 morning prep at ICC
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030021 Steve, one of the organizers, at ICC
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030023 wild flowers outside ICC
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030025 ICC - through the fence
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030028 wild flower outside ICC
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030033 Launch site
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030040 assembling early group
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030049 Assembling for Manhattan paddle
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030054 Denise Riza Lorah_at launch site
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030058 kayakers assemble near GW Bridge
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030062 GW Bridge
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030064 ICC deck scattered with kayaks
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030068 Andy Lorah & Denise at ICC
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030074 negotiating the ICC ramp
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030076 DJ photographing boats
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030078 ICC from the water
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030083 the circumnavigation begins
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030107 view from under the bridge
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030116 kayakers under GW Bridge
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030122 apartment_W 176th St
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030125 kayaks across the Hudson
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030139 DJ and a hazy NYC
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030142 Lorah and friend
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030152 blue kayak green hat
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030159 kayakers against skyline
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030167 kayaker panorama
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030174 5-man outrigger speeds by
wimzee: 2014-08-03_P8030184 Steve in foreground_outrigger in back