wimomz/kari: g'nite reflections
wimomz/kari: last sunset @ sea
wimomz/kari: a partly cloudy sunset
wimomz/kari: bit choppy b'tween the inlet and the ocean
wimomz/kari: come on sun...
wimomz/kari: loads of whales tonight
wimomz/kari: humpbacks near tofino mid vancouver island
wimomz/kari: there have been at least 20 spouts a few tails one breach and this is all i catch!
wimomz/kari: spout n hump
wimomz/kari: yep we r back in the spa
wimomz/kari: one final hour here
wimomz/kari: coconut souffle w/ mango sauce
wimomz/kari: final dinner w/ view from our table!
wimomz/kari: 365givertake52 #196 what's 4 dinner? this one's 4 andrea! english cut lion with yorkshire pudding
wimomz/kari: fresh motz n tomato salad
wimomz/kari: mini shrimp cocktail/salad
wimomz/kari: clarke has cool shoes
wimomz/kari: ag is the designer type!
wimomz/kari: ag n clarke do exist!
wimomz/kari: meet ag
wimomz/kari: maya slept until 1 pm today!